Bullet journal: awesome things & mistakes

I started a bullet journal this year. I don’t know that I needed one, but I’ve got an unnatural affinity for notebooks and pens; when I came across this style of journaling, I started obsessing.

One neat aspect of journaling this way is that the pages aren’t always in order. Calendar pages are filled in only a few weeks in advance and the pages in between are created on an as needed basis. I like this; it flows with life as it happens.

I decided I wanted to keep one journal for the entirety of our stay here in South Carolina. This meant I had to find a book with enough pages and enough large space to accommodate a lot of writing/doodling. I landed on a Moleskein soft cover, grid patterned book. So far, I’m very glad I chose it.

It’s only been a few months, though, so there’s still time for regret….
I got most of my ideas from Pinterest or other web spots. I’d read somewhere that having various overviews of time was important for long term planning, so here ^^^ is my Periodic Table inspired calendar for several years…
And this one ^^^ is just 2017 (with the list of birthdays blocked). I’ll create one for 2018/9 later. The facing page is part of my Nerd Planning for school. …more on that in a minute…
Here’s the first month. I was still trying to figure out what I was doing. Also, see the impression bleeding through the facing page? Yeah. This happens a lot because 1) I press too hard when I draw/write, 2) I didn’t use the $pecial pens fancy bullet journalists use, and 3) this book isn’t really meant for what I’m using it for. The bleeding through doesn’t bother me all the time, but sometimes I feel salty about it.
Here’s what is bleeding through…

These are my favorite pages so far. This is my Ultimate Nerd Plan for graduation. Each class has its own benzene ring. When I register for the class, I color the border. When I finish the class, I turn them into flowers. My hope is that by graduation, I will have two pages of beautiful, completed classes. …also, a degree.

In February, I sort of figured out what I was doing with the book.

This is my bill/expense tracker to help me remember to do adult things. Like pay bills and stay on budget.

Assignment Pages the First. This is a lifesaving set of pages. I used the syllabus from each class to list assignments and marked them off as they’re completed. As these pages are filled, I will absolutely be making more.

More Nerd Planning. This was helpful when I met with my advisor.

This month’s calendar. I have learned that I prefer my calendar’s not like this because I have to turn the book. Two examples of class pages. Each class gets a page.

I like the calendar pages like this much better.

See the bleeding through? Yeah… 

This is what’s bleeding through: my new workout page. (Side note: Wonder Woman is my home girl. I want to be her when I grow up.)

Miscellaneous goal setting pages…

And my Graduation with Leadership Distinction (Research) pages. This will end up being a massive two to four semester research activity so more pages will be devoted to this later.

I counted the number of classes and months and determined this book will more than accommodate my needs. Some people use a page a week and use a new book every year. I like the idea of that, but I’m so ridiculously happy to be in school right now that wanted to keep all of my classes with me all the time. Because Nerd.

My stamps came from We the Sciencey on Etsy. Check ’em out.

How do you journal? I’d love some inspiration!


Swam Swum

This week, I have swum 3350 meters.

That means I swam a smidge over 2 miles.

I am, as my coach says, Swamished.



…which is why I may eat this entire chicken before bed tonight.


…the poor thing. The poor, delicious, salty, herb-scented thing…

I did swim, I have swum, I swam.

There’s your free grammar lesson. Go forth, wise reader, and enjoy your grammatically correct weekend. 🙂

Little Weasel Guy

while watching Pride & Prejudice

“Is this the movie with the little weasel guy?”

“Which one is he? There’s a couple of weasel guys.”

“Mr. Collins. Mr. Collins is a weasel guy because he thinks he’s soooo smart, but really he just talks too much. Mr. Wickham isn’t a weasel. He’s a lying jokester. I think Mr. Wickham wears makeup.”


“Well, yeah. I mean…look at him.”

a conversation with my 7 year old son

Dear Jane Austen,

Good on you for thinking up characters so memorable to a first grader that neither guns, masks, nor violent explosions are required.

An Ardent Admirer

(my boys…plotting fields of fire against hordes of invading zombies…)

Frowny Face

I don’t feel like blogging.


I have absolutely no shred of joy to share with the universe at the moment.


…and since I have nothing nice to say, and I have to go find my Big Girl Panties as I’ve told countless others to do, and since the clock is conspiring against me, and since you were kind enough to stop by, I’ll leave you with this:


…and also this:


Okay, last one:


I’m gonna wash my hair and go to bed. Namaste, home skillets. …tomorrow has the potential to be all sorts of fabulous.

And by fabulous, I mean totally crappy.


Update on Christmas Goals

Well, I’ve already failed at posting the Advent Readings every day, so here are a few for the upcoming days and a review of what’s already passed:

1) Sunday

GEN 1:24-28 (globe)

2) Monday

GEN 3:1-24 (snake and apples)

3)Tuesday (yesterday)

GEN 6:11-22, 8:6-12, 9:11-17 (rainbow)

4)Wednesday (today)

GEN 12:1-7, 13:2-18, 18:1 (camel)

5) Thursday (tomorrow)

GEN 18:1-15; 21:1-7 (baby)

6) Friday

GEN 22:1-14 (ram)

7) Saturday

GEN 27:41-28:22 (ladder)

As to the other goals, I’m doing much better. 🙂


1) I’ve signed up for a 5k in December. This meets the goal I set to sign up for a Christmastime 5k. Ryan’s Reindeer Run benefits the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society; also, we’ll get antlers. Amazeballz!

2) Nike+ Women’s Half-Marathon in January, 2012 and the Bataan Memorial Death March in March, 2012. These two races fulfill the goal I set to sign up for two big races for next year, however, the other two races I’d really like to do are the Flying Pirate Half-Marathon in April and (of course..as always..no surprise here) the Marine Corps Marathon in October.

a) the Nike+ Women’s Half Marathon Benefits the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

b) for the Bataan Memorial Death March (BMDM), I’ve signed up for the the 26.2 mile Heavy Division. What this means: I will carry a backpack that weighs no less than 35#. That 35# will consist of kids’ lunch boxes filled with dried food stuffs (beans, rice, etc.); these lunch boxes will be given to the hungry children of New Mexico.

c) if you’d like to support these causes, that would be great. Here’s a link to the
LLS. If you’d like to sponsor a kid’s lunch box, please donate $5 to the Fisher House. eMail me your receipt (yerttography@gmail.com) and I’ll personally match your donation by purchasing the lunch box and filling it with the food. …also, by carrying it on my back for 26.2 miles of mountainous, sandy terrain and having it weighed at the finish line.

d) what this means: three charities will be helped out here; LLS, Fisher House, and the local food pantry at White Sands Missile Range, NM. It also means that you get to feel like awesome-sauce for making a difference in the world. 🙂

e) blogging buddies: if you link to this page and help me spread the word about my charity deal-ios, I’ll link back to you, too. 🙂 Fair’s Fair! You scratch my back, I’ll pick your nose! Tit for t… you get the idea.


I’ve done yoga once so far this week, attended zumba yesterday, and am going for a run tonight. I’ll do yoga before bed to stretch, am going to zumba again tomorrow, and will do yoga tomorrow night before bed. This will meet my goal of doing yoga three times for this week.


I haven’t weighed in yet for this week. Wish me luck. 🙂

If you’re in the mood to win something, pop on over to my blogging buddy Dacia‘s site and enter to win her contest. It’s a super easy entry and you get to pick your prize!

Squidward & Patrick say 'hello'

I hope everyone is having a wonderful first week of Advent! Cheers!

Wardrobe Change

So…yeah, I changed the “title” of my blog to “Blogging Molly”.


Because I can…and because…well…I felt like it.

And because “Flogging Molly” would get me sued.  Or possibly just beat up.

I’m still me.  Lately, though, I’ve been feeling more myself than I have in a long time.  As The Hatter would say, I’ve gotten some of my Muchness back.  I feel Muchier.

Do you have your Muchness?  Have you ever felt Muchier?  Its like…its like coloring your hair purple and realizing that you should’ve had purple hair the whole time.  Or like slipping into a pair of funky shoes and wondering where they’ve been your whole life.  Or just finally, once and for all, realizing that you’re comfortable in your own skin.

…some of us are late bloomers.

The address is still http://www.yerttle.wordpress.com/

I may change it back in a day or two, I may change it to something else in a minute and I may just delete the whole darned thing.  Its just a blog, savvy?

This is still Yerttle’s Blog because its still my blog and I’m still Yerttle.  I hope you continue to read the stuff that comes out of my head.  I kind of like you, you see.  🙂  (stay tuned for a semi-scrumptious post about cookies and weight training.)

…in which I ramble about books

The “postaday2011” prompt for today is what are the 5 most important books you’ve read.  Huh.  Well, since I’ve not processed the photos I’ve taken lately and I’ve been living on sushi, I don’t have a recipe to post, either. Here are some books to blather about.

in no particular order

1) Charlotte’s Web.  Its important because its the first chapter book I ever read.  I read this in first grade and I remember getting into an “argument” with my 2nd grade teacher because she didn’t believe I’d already read it.  …also, this is why I have an aversion to squishing spiders.  I’m afraid they’ll start talking to me. “Salutations!”

2) The Bible. Obviously.  …but not just for the “you’re supposed to read the Bible because the Bible tells you to” stuff.  Have you ever read it for fun?  For the historical nuggets of gold?  Also, there are some fairly sketchy characters throughout, if you’re of the “Reservoir Dogs” group.  Seriously.  I mean, that Jezebel chick?  She was thrown over a wall and torn apart by dogs.  Plus, you know, later in the book, you get to know Jesus and save your soul.  Bonus!

3) The Art of Racing in the Rain.  This book made a Dog Person out of me.  This book is why Maggie is living with us.  This book? You need to read it.  It will make you a better person.

4) The Shell Seekers.  I read this once a year, at least, and every time I cry and fall in love with the characters.  I don’t know exactly why this book is so special to me, but it is.

5) The Les Halles Cookbook.  This book made me care about cooking, food, where my food comes from, and enjoying the process of cooking.  Also, I learned new swear words.

I found these silicone trays on sale. Notice the stock? All that liquid reduced to about 3 cups.

(this photo is from a previous post, can you tell?)

So there ya go. Books. Book stuff.  These aren’t the only books I like to read, of course.  I like to read historical fiction (The Killer Angels, Winds of War, Gone with the Wind), biographies (Ike, George WashingtonThe Reagan Diaries, and Chesty Puller), military/world history (Guests of the IatolaHow the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization) and occasionally the wacked out vampire/werewolf/monster-under-the-bed book (enter old-school Stephen King here).

Also, if you haven’t read World War Z, you’re doing yourself a tragic disservice.

Trashy romance novels?…no thanks.

What are some books that are important to you?

The Versatile Blogger Award

My good blogging buddy, Ginger, blessed me with this little award. 🙂 Ginger’s blog is marvelous, full of wonderful photography, recipes that make you want to jump into her kitchen, and honest, heartfelt commentary on her life. If you’re looking for a blog to follow that will make you laugh, cry, and crave good food, subscribe to her blog.

This little badge is sort of a blogging chain letter…it can only be accepted by passing it along and then sharing a bit about yourself. So! I’m passing it along to 7 other blogs that I love; however, these aren’t the only blogs that I love, so I hope I don’t hurt anyone’s feelings. …funny how feelings can get so wrapped up so quickly in blogs…

Laura’s blog, Winstead Remission, is Laura’s journey through dealing with Leukemia. Yes, she’s my sister-in-law, yes, I love her, but no, I don’t have to like her blog, but I do. And so will you.

The Confounded Cook: this blog brings me joy. 🙂 Recipes, photos, anecdotes about local flair and flavors…Seriously, a good read.

My kids’ Godfather, Jim L., started his blog, Rock Farm Knives because I pestered him into it. I’m so glad he’s a sucker for a pouty face; he writes about his running (barefoot!) and his knife making (awesome!) and his guns (lots!)

The Crafty Budget belongs to Samantha; she’s a photographer, a mom, and an all-around creative chick. Check out her blog for all sorts of do-it-yourself goodness.

The Reluctant Weight Watchers Foodie is a fabulous resource/forum/blog for those of us who are in the WW program, as well as anyone who’s looking for tasty and healthy recipes.

FoodieRachel belongs to a work buddy of mine from days gone by. Rachel blogs about life with kids, yummy recipes, and sustainable/green practices that are good for everyone. Her sense of humor is awesome!

Gipsy World, Spice Cafe is a one-stop blog for all things food and spice. If you have ever wondered how to use a strange spice that you’ve stumbled upon in the grocery store, or you’re looking for a new spice and don’t know where to start, this is the place. 🙂

…and now I’m supposed to tell you all 7 things that you “may not know” about me…
Uh. Well…uh…

1) my favorite book is “The Shell Seekers” by Rosamund Pilcher. Its a love story set in WWII and “modern” times (well…it was written in the 1980’s, so, you know…) I read it once a year and every time, I cry, and its like coming home again. My least favorite book would be “The Feast of All Saints” by Anne Rice, although “The Lovely Bones” was fairly horrible, too.

2) i love movies. all movies, even bad ones. I especially like “scary” movies like “The Exorcism of Emily Rose”, but I didn’t think it was scary. My favorite movie buddy is my friend Toy, although it makes me positively giddy when my husband agrees to go to the movies with me. My favorite movie of all time is “Gone with the Wind”. or “You’ve Got Mail”. or “Underworld”. or “The Green Berets”. or the A&E version of “Pride & Prejudice”. or “Shaun of the Dead”. or “Boondock Saints”. or…

3)I’ve written short stories since I was about 12 and I keep writing some of them over and over again with different details and added characters and they haunt me and some day they will be published and I’ve started a private blog that only my closest friends can see and in that blog are some beginnings of those stories and this is a run-on sentence and I’m not really holding my breath.

4) several people tried to convince my mother to have an abortion when she got pregnant with me at the age of 15. (she got pregnant at 15, not me.) Because of this, I am vehemently pro-life and hold minor grudges against those that wanted me flushed down the toilet. I send my mother flowers on my birthday every year as a way of thanking her for toughing it out for me. I am grateful for my life.

5) I have certificates in Firefighting, levels 1 & 2. While in FF school, my boots kept coming off because my feet are so small (size 5 1/2); after the flashover exercise, I had to apply silvadine cream to both soles because of the singes. I was the only girl in my class and the only one chosen to lead the “propane tank” team…because I was the bossiest.

6) I have severe claustrophobia and have been known to flip out, even on my kids, for boxing me into a corner or closing the wrong door. …also, in reference to #2: submarine movies make me hold my breath and that scary cave movie that Toy made me watch last summer gave me nightmares for weeks.

7) some jobs I’ve had: making t-shirts to sell at swap meets, staffing nursing floors in a hospital, assisting with autopsies, working the dolphin exhibit at The Mirage.

(Jim and Toy and Jim: no fair gloating because you guys already knew all this stuff.)

If you’ve been given the versatile blogger award, in order to accept it, you have to follow this same template: choose 7 bloggers, and spill 7 unknown things about yourself.  You’re welcome.