Happy Friday, Good Hunting

Happy Friday, Good Hunting

Happy ice cream and laughter, happy movie
Happy pizza and napping, happy park!
Happy sunshine and pony tails, happy hug,
Happy cartoons and kisses, happy run…
Happy Friday!

(good aiming and breathing, good sights
good trigger weight and targeting, good stance
good cover and water, good dog
good boots and knife, good wire,
good zombie hunting!)

Stay Smart. Stay Safe. Stay Non-Zombie.

and Now for Something Completely Different

and Now for Something Completely Different

My tomatoes (-tos? toes? yes. Toes.) are lovely!  I realize that growing tomatoes isn’t exactly news-worthy, but if you know me, you know that I kill plants.  I am a serial killer of all things green.  …so when I not only don’t kill something, but take care of it enough that it feels safe in trying to replicate itself by producing seeds/fruit…well…that would be like …like…

…like me NOT killing a plant!

Perhaps this post should be titled: “In Which I Brag About Something Stupid.”

But its so NOT stupid!  Because I didn’t kill a plant!  and now I get to eat it!

-wait. …uh…

Well, anyway, here is photographic evidence that my serial plant-killing days are currently on pause.

We’re having bruschetta tonight! (pause for Pee-Wee Herman dancing…)

Green Stuff

Green Stuff

Here are a few green things around the house, all in my containers. There are some things not pictured, like my lettuce and some herbs. I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday! …and don’t forget to make a donation to Red Cross…they’re helping out in Joplin, Missouri.

lavender...grind some of this up with your large-grained, organic sugar and sprinkle over cookies or scones. yumm-o!
thyme flowers...I didn't realize thyme had flowers, but apparently, it happens in the SpringThyme. ha! get it?! "A-hahaha! Frenchy, you're so funny!" "LT Steve! You're so funny, too!"...I love a good polka as much as the next man.

Fair Trade



So…today I discovered 12 little baby green tomatoes!

I also discovered that I’ve forgotten the code to my super-dear bike lock for my Betty of a bike.

…I’ll give you a dozen ‘maters for a 4 digit combo…

…and in other news, I’ve lost five pounds as well as my patience and ability to withstand the glaring presence of Hershey bars with almonds. Somebody hand me some nachos and a SlimFast. STAT.

First Little Strawberries

First Little Strawberries

We had some excitement in our house this morning: we noticed the first ever, ever, ever bright red strawberry in our container garden. This inspired my oldest son to proclaim, “We have the best garden ever.”

**swoon** 🙂

No, this is not Photoshopped or doctored or edited, except for the cropping. I used a 50mm 1:2 macro Zuiko lens and shot in RAW. I developed it in Olympus Master 2 software, the stuff that came with my camera. Easy peasey, goffer greasey. …I hate Photoshop.

Container Gardening So Far

Here are some of the things that are growing around the house.  🙂

rosemary, thyme, and lavender. they like dry, warm soil so they get the box and clay pots. Lucky Mediterranean things...
Her Ladyship. ...expressing disdain for the state of the grass...
the lettuce and spinach pot. I get about three personal-sized salads a week from here. 🙂
broccoli starts
tomato plants. Thank you, Waste Management, for the convenient drainage holes in the bottom of your containers.
Will's cucumber starts. They're outside now. 🙂
cilantro starts
cilantro, sweet basil, and lavender in a basket hung up on the fence. The coconut liner in the basket in super for drainage...which means lots of watering, but still...
The Husband planted some tulip bulbs a while back. This flower is my favorite so far...

Honey-Lime Sauce & Proof of Life

It’s been a little over a week since I planted my lettuces and spinach.  They are still alive!  …I think maybe it’s all grown a little, too.  That’s a good thing…because that means I’m safe from an air strike for one more week, at least.

While we were at Myrtle Beach a few weekends ago, we stopped at this little restaurant for dinner.  One of the things on the menu was a $285 peanut butter & jelly sandwich.  Yes.  $285.  It came with a bottle of Dom Perignon, but…you get the idea.  I ordered, as an appetizer, home-made potato chips and ranch dressing because I am classy like that.  Don’t judge, though, because those chips were roll-around-in-the-bowl good!  Five quid for chips.  Totally worth every penny.

On my salad, I asked for “the house dressing”.  This salad was almost as much as the chips; the dressing, however, was worth ever-so-much more.  Honey, Lime, and yum!  Because we had the kids with me, I didn’t think to ask for the recipe (some chefs are flattered…others get irked…you never know until you ask…).  For the main course, I had some chicken dish or other that was smothered in orange sauce and mushrooms and garlic and fat and it, too, was YUM.  I won’t tell you how much the meal cost (no, the kids did NOT get that bottle of bubbly) but it really was a delicious meal that proved, once again, that you can get what you pay for if you stay away from the chain restaurants.

Yesterday, I set about trying to recreate that lime sauce from the salad.  After I’d already made a jar full, I thought to myself (because that’s what I call Me), “Perhaps there’s already a recipe out there.” Lo and behold, there were lots.  A whole pant-load, in fact.  My guess wasn’t too far off the mark and it’s tasty so I’ll stick with it for now.  Here’s what I did:

Honey-Lime Sauce/Dressing/Stuff

1/2-3/4c lime juice

3/4c honey (plus more, to taste)

1/4tsp salt

1/2tsp ground mustard seed

1/4c olive oil

Put the lime juice, honey, and mustard seed in a quart canning jar.  With the lid and ring snug, shake, shake, shake.  (I always think of that song at the end of “Beetlejuice” here…”shake, shake, shake, Seniora…shake it all dee time…”)

Add the salt and olive oil next, and shake some more.

I'd like to thank my lovely assistant for pouring that olive oil so nicely!

Ta-da! There ya go.

(Be advised: this should probably go in the fridge.  The olive oil and honey will get pretty stiff in the ice-box, so be sure to let it set out a bit before you use it.  I suggest dividing this stuff up into smaller containers for convenience and food safety.)

Here’s what I’ll do next time:

add cilantro (because everything is better with cilantro)

subtract 1/4c honey

poppy seeds…add a Tbsp or so

add 1/4c plain yogurt

What I’ll use it on:

anything Thai, salads, a marinade for chicken, a sauce for fruit, a flavoring for creme fraiche or plain yogurt.

Happy Monday!